Bernard Saba
Meet Bernard, a highly motivated and focused professional who has a passion for the financial sector, working across industry including mortgages focusing on delivering client outcomes...
Buying, Selling, Transferring or need a contract review?
Auction Day? Just call and I will guide you!
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Available 24 hours a day 7 days a week!
At Tohme Lawyers, know who you are speaking with.
Did you know if you purchase at auction you MUST be unconditional.
This means:
1. You can not be subject to finance
2. You can not to be subject to Building or Pest Inspection
If you would like us to review the contract of sale before you sign at Auction.
Press get started or, Call on 0402174016
0402 174 016
The Suites, Suite 1, Level 1/30 English St, Essendon Fields VIC 3041
Monday - Sunday: 24 / 7 - Online ( 9-5 Mon-Friday in office )