Tohme Lawyers - Solicitors - Essendon Fields Melbourne

About Us

Our Vision & Mission

“If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” Alexander Hamilton (and countless others) had a point that rings true in all aspects of life. If you don’t choose something to stand for, you’ll go anywhere the wind blows. Tohme Lawyers have the vision to be known as men & women of justice. We would like to see the community get the life they deserve and live in a peaceful environment. Tohme Lawyers have always believed that through justice there will be peace.

Tohme Lawyers dedicate their mission to bring justice and create a safe environment for the community through the law. We are determined to help families put their lives on their desired track and help people realise their rights. We are often told by clients that they are disillusioned with the legal system and do not believe they can obtain their rights.

We are confident in putting such clients at ease and helping them achieve their legal rights!

Safeguarding The Rights Of Others Is The Most Noble And Beautiful End Of A Human Being.

Speak to our team

Meet the Tohme team


(03) 9087 1790


The Suites, Suite 1, Level 1/30 English St, Essendon Fields VIC 3041


Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 9am - 5:30pm
Closed 1pm - 2pm